Saturday, September 26, 2015

Blog Entry # 3 **Service Learning Placement**

Blog Entry # 3

During my first  visit to Mrs. Hutchinson's classroom, I noticed that she doesn't waste any time!  She is a Special Education teacher (resource), so children come and go from her classroom all day.  When they walk through the door she tells them to grab their box and what color folder they need to pull out and start working on. Her room is tidy and well organized.   Her routine and tidy classroom promotes a productive learning environment.

One of my classroom visits was during math.  Mrs. Hutchinson told them they had the choice of grabbing a mini white board or to grab the counting cubes, whichever they preferred.  This let the student choose whichever method worked for them to complete their math assignment.

Mrs. Hutchinson makes time for each student to make them feel safe and loved.  One student asked her when he would be on grade level for reading.  She assured him that he was working hard and she was working hard to make sure that happens soon.  She told him how well he was doing and that she was proud of his hard work.

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